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Museo Laboratorio Arte Contadina

Museum | Pezze Di Greco | Puglia | Italy

The Museo Laboratorio Arte Contadina in Pezze di Greco, a district of Fasano in Apulia, is a living museum that preserves and presents the rural culture and traditions of the region between the 19th and 20th centuries. Officially opened on September 14, 2021, it serves as a cultural center that keeps alive the history and craftsmanship of the rural community of Fasano.

Collections and exhibitions:

The museum houses an extensive collection of over 1,000 artifacts, including agricultural tools, household items, and everyday objects that reflect the life of the rural population. Each room of the museum tells its own story and provides insights into various aspects of rural life, from agriculture to craftsmanship to traditional customs.

Interactive experiences:

A standout feature of the museum is its interactive approach. Visitors have the opportunity to participate in workshops where traditional crafts techniques such as weaving, pottery, and basket weaving can be learned. These activities allow participants to develop a deeper understanding of the work methods and life of the rural community.

Events and educational offerings:

The museum regularly organizes cultural events, exhibitions, and educational programs that deal with various aspects of rural culture and history. These initiatives promote awareness of the region's cultural heritage and offer both locals and visitors the opportunity to actively engage with the history and traditions of Fasano.

Importance to the community:

The Museo Laboratorio Arte Contadina plays a central role in preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of Fasano. It serves as an educational center that passes on knowledge of traditional crafts and rural lifestyles to younger generations, while also sparking the interest of the general public in the history and culture of the region.

Overall, the Museo Laboratorio Arte Contadina is a valuable resource for understanding and appreciating the rural culture of Apulia, and contributes to preserving the region's rich heritage for future generations.

Contact details



Corso Italia 61, 100
72015 Pezze Di Greco

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13 Reviews

Alba Calypso

Una vera sorpresa questo museo di cui non conoscevo l'esistenza. E' stato un ritorno nel passato, ricordi della mia infanzia, dei nonni e di un atmosfera magica.
Monica Messa

Non lo conoscevo, molto carino.
Sergio Roberto D'avino

Bellissimo museo per ricordare come fosse difficile ottenere oggetti che oggi abbiamo in maniera semplicissima grazie all'industrializzazione.
Emilio Cardone

E un bel museo- lo consiglio a tutti
Francesco Cofano

Un museo che andrebbe valorizzato,pubblicizzato,frequentato. Storia contadina,esperienza e bellezza,
rossella lillo

Molto molto bello 👍

Una struttura nata come mercato ittico poi convertita a scuola elementare prima di essere dismessa. Successivamente, restaurata, adibita a museo dove sono in mostra oggetti dell'antica civiltà contadina pezzaiola. Wifi disponibile. Gentilissima la ragazza al desktop.


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